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  • Writer's pictureKalea Jerielle

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

These days in the sun fall upon May and April. The cold weather gets swept away and the whole earth is covered in newness and is open to possibility. I love it when wildflowers just "happen" to spring up where I once spilled a pouch of seeds, when my cats roll around in the flowers, while the sun hits my flower pots, making everything glow. Those things are what makes a day of sun. All of those things are free too! We don't need to buy sunshine, flowers, happy moments, all are free and all we need to do is capture the moments before they get lost. Did you ever think that every time you don't enjoy the moment, a totally wonderful piece in time is gone? That inspires me when I DO remember that the moments drift away to be thankful for every day, hour, minute and moment. I lately have had the chance to take more pictures and hang out in my windowsill, reading books. I'd love it if you looked through some of my favorite snapshots! Enjoy and I'd love to hear from you on what you love about spring.

The blossoms are just so gorgeous


My backyard view

He is NOT supposed to climb the pear tree

Window sill shot-it took a while to get this right

My front yard view

Sunset and blossoms

Thank you bunches for reading and have a fabulous day! What was your favorite picture? Do you have any fruit trees that produce flowers?


Kalea Jerielle

  • Writer's pictureKalea Jerielle

HAPPY MONDAY PEOPLE! Ain't this just a great day? XD. Okay, if you are like me, Monday's are kind of drab and dull but I decided to change that by searching through older files of thousands of my pictures. I put together the ones that made me smile and looking at these made my day. Sometimes looking at the GOOD memories can make us happy even in "DULL" times. Have a blast looking through! :)


Starting off with some adorable-ness that will melt your heart if it's cold. XD

Apple eating queen


The sneeze

As if i ain't close enough

Not amazing but captures the feeling

Don't take mwy pwic

AGHHH! It's on fire!


My Garden's charm

This guy knew how to pose

Precious and Cuddly

Sibling rivalry

Howdy, birdy!

Blue against the brown

Taken in New Zealand, this picture sums up the scenery

Hummingbirds are just so complex and awesome


Serious game of chess

The Amarilla Flowers


LOL, one of my brother's genius ideas. XD

Plain but smoky

This is my old-fashioned way of getting around, ain't it lovely?

Thanks for reading Dears, go have a great day and look at old photos!


Kalea J.

  • Writer's pictureKalea Jerielle

Good day I hope for you all, Friends! I am glad to be back from my hiatus *throws spring flowers and glitter around* ! I spent the whole time (well some of it...) getting some good blogging advice, fixing and tweaking my blog, taking photos, and getting inspiration from many wonderful bloggers. Do you like the new design? I am happy with it! I thought I should share with you some of the things I have learned while editing this blog! Please, if you have any other advice, I would love to hear it!

1: Clean your blog up. If I don't like a blog design or content, I literally leave in 5 seconds. It should have a theme, airy, classic, chic, you name it!

2: Choose your color pallet. If you are going for a pastel look, don't put in there a few neon colors. It just doesn't go and it will make your blog look professional .

3: Have a subscriber box around on your site in plain view. Also, it's a good idea to start an Instagram account, Blog lovin' account, and Pinterest account if you start blogging. More followers are attracted by more links to your site.

4: Post your own pictures. VERY IMPORTANT. If you are doing a writers blog/ my thoughts I would say, okay, I guess that's alright to use free stock images but for a photography website...don't use free pictures elsewhere.

5: Have a model. I have many bloggers I look up to that give me advice and it is extremely helpful.

6: Do your research. Look up the best website to customize before you actually start on it. It'll save you a lot of time and frustration. Wix is a great one to you, may I add. Except for their pricing ($7.50 a month, girl), it is so A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

7:Think of buying a nice camera if you are going into the photography trade. It is important to have good quality images to impress your visitors.

8: Be friendly! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Be kind, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Don't criticize people on their blog. If you need to point out some problem with the website (not working, buttons lead nowhere....), then do it via email.

9: Give shoutouts to other bloggers. Hey, the favor might be returned.

10: On your about page, make sure to have pictures to describe you and your lifestyle. I love that kind of about page.


Thank you for welcoming me back and I'd love to hear from you in a comment! I am happy to get this show back on the road!

 Hey there! Welcome to a blog created by a girl who hearts photography. I have a colorful personality and silly sense of humor and you'll see that reflect on my blog as you look around. I believe in Jesus-Christ, I realize you cannot reach perfection but you can make everything the best it can be, and I am a history buff. God has given me the gift of writing and art and I am working on excelling for His Glory.

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