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  • Writer's pictureKalea Jerielle

Hi Readers! Merry Christmas!!!! How did your family celebrate?! Well, I think I will just skip to the New Year and list some of my top goals!

Number 1: Learn a new instrument. I have been taking piano lessons for 3 years and just took up the ukulele (I highly recommend learning it, BTW. It is so much fun and so very easy) but on my wishlist I'd love to learn a few chords on the guitar or violin.

Number 2: Run to my mailbox (which is a mile and a half away) in record time! I have no particular reason for this goal but it sounds like so much fun!

Number 3: Write a novel. I have already begun one, I haven't come up with a name yet but I love writing down my thoughts and this would be so great!

Number 4: Practice, practice, practice, on my art. I would LOVE to become an illustrator!

Number 5: Reach 50 followers before the New Year!

Number 6: Learn something new. Whether it's roller skating (ya, I dunno how to.....yet), something to do with art, in school, or learning how to whistle with my don't ever want to hear me try. XD.

So, that's it for today....thanks for stopping by!

What are your goals for 2018? What is your favorite Christmas carol? What post would you like to see next week? Comment below with your answers!



  • Writer's pictureKalea Jerielle


Wouldn't you say Christmas-time is the most magical and happy time of the year?

On Thanksgiving we give thanks, on Easter we do silly stuff with chocolate and fluffy bunnies,

On Halloween we dress-up, on our birthdays we open gifts and smile, but on Christmas,everyone is joyful and jolly and there is some inexplicable happiness around.

The snowflakes are all differently shaped and amazing, you drink hot cocoa only in the winter, you bundle up with mittens and go caroling, we do all these wonderful things around Christmas.


Do you have a looooooonnnng list of gifts that you want for Christmas?

It never, ever hurt to GIVE instead of GET. Why don't you try it this year, just get the things you NEED.Some great gift ideas to GIVE: A bunch of "chore coupons" for a parent, the gift of time (a game with a little sibling, shoveling snow out of the neighbor's drive-way), complimenting and praising, a great dinner made for the family by you, there are so many free ways to give!

Here are some pretty cheap gift ideas that only cost a few bucks:

Nail polish, gift cards, books, bookmarks, socks, craft supplies, headphones, some food item, home-made cookies in a tin, your own artwork, and maybe some makeup items for a girlfriend.


Lights: Find a string of Christmas lights ( white or colorful ) and string them around your room~

Ornaments: Buy several non-breakable ornaments ( you can do any kind but this is less risky ) such as sparkly snowflakes or plastic ornaments and string them onto a rope and hang it up near a wall so you can see the ornaments clearly.

A tree: Buy or cut your own mini tree for your room and string it up with lights, ribbons, stringed cranberries, thinly sliced and baked oranges, ornaments and atop of it all, a star.

Get out... All your Christmas books, to the front of your closet bring out your Christmas-y colored clothes ( reds, browns, creams, greens, and cranberry are awesome colors to wear ), all your Christmas music CD's ( your phone works well for music too ), and gather up a bunch of pine boughs and arrange them around your space.

Merry Christmas!!!!!



  • Writer's pictureKalea Jerielle

Hello Y'all! Wonderful week, isn't it? I have been exploring the massive variety of camera lenses online and I finally found one I absolutely LOVE. It isn't an actual lens but an extension one. The extension lens I purchased is for a Sony camera but Amazon has it in other options if you have a Canon or Nikon too! Okay let's get into reviewin'! :)

The good things to know about this lens:

-It is super cheap-$17 but it works perfectly!

-If you are into flower photography, this lens can zoom in on a bit of pollen on a flower, amazing detail.

-The bokah is amazing with this lens!

The bad things to know:

This IS a macro lens so the focus only focuses when the object is half and inch away. BUT, if you try to focus it on a landscape, there is a pretty blur worth taking.

Below I will show you some photos I have taken with this extension lens on my Sony Nex 3n camera.

via Amazon

Awesome! Now that you've gotten through that have you decided to purchase an extension lens? I'll be posting again soon because this was a rather short post. :)


Kalea Jerielle

 Hey there! Welcome to a blog created by a girl who hearts photography. I have a colorful personality and silly sense of humor and you'll see that reflect on my blog as you look around. I believe in Jesus-Christ, I realize you cannot reach perfection but you can make everything the best it can be, and I am a history buff. God has given me the gift of writing and art and I am working on excelling for His Glory.

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